by James Malone
Can hypnosis be used to enhance psychic development? Anecdotal evidence dating back to hypnotism's early historical figures like Anton Mesmer hints that it can. Of course this assumes a belief in psychic phenomena-a topic beyond the scope of this article.
There have been attempts to test ESP in the laboratory setting and the results have been mixed. One of the more interesting findings has been the identification of test subjects who exhibit what has been labeled negative ESP.
ESP tests usually involve the subjects trying to ascertain a given piece of information without the use of the five physical senses. For example, being able to tell what someone is drawing in another room or picking the order of playing cards in a well shuffled deck.
In the design of these tests it is recognized that a certain percentage of correct random guesses are to be expected. Any result that goes beyond these parameters is considered to be significant.
It is obvious that being able to score consistently higher than chance on an ESP test suggests some sort of enhanced psychic facility. Yet there are also those individuals who repeatedly score or worse than what would be expected with just random guessing-thus the person with negative ESP.
Indian researchers B.K. Kanthamani and K. Ramakrishna Rao identified distinctive personality traits associated with those who scored both negative and positive ESP in their lab experiments.
Those with positive ESP on the whole tended to be outgoing, enthusiastic, adventuresome and relaxed. The negative ESP subjects were prone to be tense, withdrawn, easily frustrated and suspicious. It was surmised that the traits common to the negative ESP group most likely stand in the way of all their endeavors, including their psychic development
So can hypnosis improve psychic ability? It is a powerful tool that enables the individual to access and refine more of his or her mental abilities. If the development of a more relaxed and optimistic personality does indeed boost ESP, the answer is yes. But you knew that already, didn't you?
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About the Author: James Malone is a Certified Hypnotist from Point Pleasant, NJ. He has also predicted that you are utterly fascinated by the topic of improving your psychic ability and sees you visiting The Psychic Ability Course
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